By now most of you have heard of acupuncture or at least know someone who has received a treatment. While acupuncture popularity is growing, most know little about how it works or what to expect at a treatment. Overall the experience of getting acupuncture at River City Wellness should be calming and restorative. The treatment rooms are welcoming and the environment is peaceful.
Initial Visit:
This treatment usually lasts 90 minutes and we begin with a thorough health history covering your main complaint(s) and the overall functioning of your body. There is a brief discussion on acupuncture and how it pertains to you and a chance to go over any questions you may have. We then move on to your first treatment followed by a review of your treatment plan and any recommendations that can be made. It is important to eat a little something before coming in and to wear comfortable clothing.
Follow-Up Visits:
These treatments all last around 60 minutes and consist of a 5 to 10 minute quick discussion on how you are feeling and what changes have occurred in your health between treatments followed by a treatment.
Number of Visits Needed:
Unfortunately there is no set standard of treatments needed before health is regained. The number of visits one may need depend on variables such as the length of time the illness has occurred, the severity of the illness, number of surgeries received, age and overall health of the patient.
Expectations During a Treatment:
An important aspect to a treatment is that you are able to relax both physically and mentally. Many patients experience a deep meditative state during a treatment, a sensation I like to call ACU LAND. By definition, this is a time when your intellect shuts down and your body is allowed to work. One feels that they are neither asleep or awake, becoming an objective bystander to the messages the body reveals. This is a great reaction to have! Other sensations one may experience include tingling or vibrations at acupoints or throughout the body, feelings of warmth or cold, a release of energy or tension, calmness and deep relaxation.
Reactions to Treatment:
There are many happy side effects to acupuncture that include enhanced clarity and awareness, more energy, better mood, better sleep, less pain and an overall sense of wellbeing. There is a percentage of pain patients who report increased pain initially following a treatment but greatly decreased the following day. This reaction generally occurs after the first one or two treatments when the body is going through a healing phase and often tapers off as the body regains balance.